The Independent Long-term Care COVID-19 Commission recommended that the Ontario government promote and fund homes transitioning to recognized innovative models of care.
Our goal remains to bring emotion-based care (transformative culture change) to Ontario’s Long-term Care Homes.
Ontario’s provincial election is looming. We want to provide as much information as possible on the innovative long-term care homes that have experienced better outcomes, both pre and during the pandemic. The more informed we are, the better we will be able to influence our MPPs or other decision-makers to make this sea change happen - once and for all.
You are invited to a one hour, ‘Lunch & Learn’ webinar on The Green House Model. The Green House Project is one of the four innovative models of care that exists in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere, that has achieved better outcomes for residents, families, and staff due to its emotion-based care.
Title: The Green House Model: A Blueprint for Change
Date: Wednesday, November 24th 2021.
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Presenter: Susan Ryan, Senior Director of the Green House Project.
Susan provides details on the Green House design, philosophy, and core values. The Green House model has come to be recognized as a leader in creating high-quality, cost-effective, and sustainable, human-scale alternatives to the traditional LTC home. This model can be adapted to single dwelling homes or developed within larger LTC homes.
Audience: Membership of C.A.R.P. chapters in Ontario Membership of Family Councils in Ontario
Registration: Please register by November 17th through the Eventbrite link here:
Once your registration is received, you will be sent the zoom link for the webinar.
When you register use 'Member' for your title and for company/affiliation use 'CARP Ottawa'.
