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Petition in Support of Bill 33

Time to Care Act
Update on the Time to Care Act:
Bill 33 died when the Legislature was prorogued. However, Andrea Horwath, leader of the NDP, re-introduced the bill on April 11, 2018 and it passed second reading on April 26th.  The bill has been assigned a new number and is known as Bill 43: Time to Care Act.
Bill 33 History: 
Help Put More Care in Long Term Care
Ontario's long term care (LTC) is in crisis. Ontario's frail seniors who live in Long Term Care homes are not getting the care they need. Residents are now admitted to LTC when they are older, sicker and have multiple medical conditions, causing ever-increasing workloads for staff. Nearly 80% of all residents suffer from some type of dementia. Staff are over-worked, inadequately and inconsistently trained and poorly supported.
Ontario's investment in long term care is among the lowest in Canada. Current care levels are well below what was recommended by a government-sponsored report published in 2008 and more recent academic research studies. The families and friends of residents see the results of chronic understaffing everyday: requests for toileting ignored because staff are too busy assisting other residents; residents eating cold food, or having food shovelled into their mouths while the overworked care worker tries to feed multiple residents; staff so harried that they do not have time for social interaction with the residents in their care; and serious increases in resident to resident violence.
In the fall of 2016, France Gélinas, MPP Nickel Belt and NDP Health Critic introduced a private members' bill, Bill 33, Time to Care Act, into the Ontario Legislature. The proposed amendment to the Long Term Care Act would require homes to provide a minimum of 4 hours of nursing and personal care per resident per day (averaged across all residents). Families and friends of residents in long term care have been collecting signatures on a petition in support of the bill since last summer. We hope you will lend your voice to theirs in demanding better care for our frail elderly.
Click here to download and sign the petition to support Bill 33
Contact your local MPP for their support
For more information, please contact:
Grace Welch, Chair, Advocacy Committee, Champlain Region Family Council Network
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